Saturday, September 15, 2007

Which one?

I'm torn. Seriously torn. When I got my new phone in September of last year, one of the reasons I got it was because it came bundled with iTunes, but with a 100 song limit, regardless of the size of the SD Card in the phone itself. While I'm not really close to butting up against that limit, the idea of the really low limit is frustrating for me.

So enter Apple. Fresh with the release of the new line of iPods and the iPhone, I'm really really torn. Part of me wants the iPhone, if only because it looks really cool and I like the idea of having one device for both phone calls and as my MP3 player. With the recent price cut, they are even more affordable. But, they only come with 8GB of memory and the idea of having to use a touchscreen to type makes me a little nervous. However, the iTunes Wi-Fi store also looks pretty cool.

But then there are the regular old iPods. The iPod Touch is basically an iPhone without the phone, and is priced accordingly and still has all the web-surfing features that I love about the iPhone, you just need to be in a wi-fi area. The new iPod Nano looks pretty cool. It's a fraction of the price of the iPhone or iPod Touch, and does what I need it to. Then, there's the good old iPod Classic. It has more capacity than I would ever need and would probably work just fine.

So which one should I add to my Christmas list?


Teri said...

Why not all of them :) Isn't that what a wish list is for? You boys and your toys. hahahahah

LoraLoo said...

I know I'd have them all on my list, but the 160 GB iPod classic is definitely a top priority. I'm already down to 10 GB left on my 80 GB one.

I can't help it, I like all those toys too.

Martin said...

I'll be getting the 160 GB classic. Been waiting for at more than double the capacity of my already full 60 GB version. This would help immensely. Probably right after I move.