At the same time, I also have no tolerance for people that want no part of the process. These are the people that we elect to make decisions on how to spend our tax dollars. That people aren't interested in that drives me absolutely nuts.
I also need to stop reading's blog and the comments on the Las Vegas Sun's website. I get all fired up. I just need to step away from the blogs, that's all.
Oh, and here's a picture of John Edwards and I from an appearance last week in Las Vegas.
I wonder if they have a 12 step program for people like me.
Hee do need some help.
I want nothing to do with the process not because I don't care about what happens (I happen to care deeply) but because the process is severely flawed. I see a lot more crap from my end than the average has made me jaded. Plus it always seems to be choosing the lesser of two evils. There never is anyone I am totally behind. I am hard to please.
You are such the dork.
Okay, so we'll probably never be talking politics. :)
The best was when you were yelling at the radio this morning! LOL.. I knew you were like this when we met, but this is the first election season I have been through with you. Lord save us all :-)
But I get to learn from you, and that makes me a better version of myself. THanks, Honey.
I tend to find those that are passionate about issues without the education nor drive to understand absolutely frightening - no matter what ideology. Your possession of those tools only add to my respect for you.
I'm very happy that you got to see Edwards and take a physical momento away from the event after all your work. Even though, I'm sure there was reward enough in the process.
Princess - I don't doubt that the what is going on is flawed and no doubt you see more. This being said, the electoral process is the only one we have to make necessary changes. It's OK that you don't totally agree with everything one candidate says - we are all individuals and either you choose from the best options or run yourself.
Anonymous - First, sign in and let us know who you are. But second, yep. I'm a dork.
Lora - I'll talk politics with just about anyone.
Keds - I should so know better than to listen to Mark and Mercedes. Mercedes has got to be the dumbest person on the planet!
80sNut - Thanks for the compliment. The work was rewarding, and I have something to show for it to. What a bonus!
I must agree with you for the most part. I mean Casey and I are really not into politics..OK I am amusing myself again. You are really fun to talk politics, even if we have very different views. It is nice to see a different perspective. Here is to making our nation better by standing behind the person we think will be the best solution for America.
Jennifer - You crack me up. I enjoy our politcal conversations. It's always good to discuss things with people who approach it from a different point of view - especially when they are well-informed!
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