Monday, March 20, 2006


The unexpected consequences of planning a wedding or buying a house are the decisions you weren't aware you were going to have to make. As an example, we decided to go appliance shopping the weekend. While the new house comes with the range, oven, dishwasher and microwave, we still have to provide a refridgerator, washer and dryer.

We went to three stores this weekend looking at appliances - Sears, Home Depot and The Great Indoors, which is owned by Sears. We were amazed and the selection in terms of all appliances. Luckily, we knew what we were sort of in the mood for. We've pretty much settled on our refridgerator. We knew we wanted a bottom freezer, french-door style unit with a filter, water dispenser and ice maker. However, then we were faced with the prospect of cabinet depth or something that was going to stick out about four inches. UGH! If there was no price difference, there wouldn't have been an issue but not only did the cabinet-depth offer fewer raw storage space it was also more expensive! After discussing it, we decided on storage space versus aesthetics since it wasn't going to look bad.

Going into the weekend, we decided we wanted good capacity, top-loading washers with a matching dryer. We looked at those options and wrote off the high-efficiency top-loaders and front-loading units. That was, until we met up with some friends Sunday afternoon who recently purchased some front-loading units. To make a long story short, they told us along with using less water and overall energy, you can do more laundry in less time. That lead us to our next debate. Still not sure the way we are going to go, so we are looking for input.

The only question remaining is when do we purchase. To get a 12-months no interest/no payments deal we would have to open up a new charge account we would have to open up a new trade line. But we don't want to do anything to screw up the mortgage. So, I'll be calling the mortgage guy today...


LoraLoo said...

I distinctly remember buying the same appliances and freaking out on the move-in costs we hadn't anticipated when we signed all that paperwork. When it was all over, I also remember giving a huge sigh of relief and happily relaxing in our new house. The end is near!

Kyria said...

I LOVE my Maytag Neptune. My cousin has it in the place we're renting and you do get through WAY MORE laundry so much faster than the traditional washers and dryers. Highly recommend it.

Unknown said...

Oh wow I remember buying the appliances for the house. Just my two cents since Teri and I just got a new washer: go with the gas dryer and it doesn't matter which one does more laundry since it is a rule of nature that you always have more laundry to do no matter how much you stuff in the machine or how many loads you do.