Monday, March 27, 2006

Weekend Updates

I had a great birthday weekend. Aside from the fact that Mike is now out of town and Tom is still laid up, Amy was able to round up a good chunk of my friends for a surprise party at the hockey game! I had a great time, aside from the fact that Amy had a photo of me at the age of 6 posted on the scoreboard.

The house is coming along fantastically! The tile is almost all laid, the block wall is in and the garage door is on. It looks fantastic! It's nearly done, and we are getting the loan docs ready.

My house is being inspected today. That should be the last hurdle and we'll be good to go.

Anyway, another weekend and another week.


New White Keds said...

It looked like you needed a comment. So I am here to tell you... It was a great birthday and I cannot wait to try to top it next year and the year after and the year after and... you get my point :-) I love you.

Unknown said...

Actually the hockey game was kind of fun, we might actually have to do it again some time

Teri said...

I had a lot of fun at the hockey game. You may even get us to go again sometime, even if it isn't for your birthday :)