Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Wait for it...

So last night's HIMYM season premiere was a bit monotonous. The obligatory "Ted and Robin's breakup isn't going to be as smooth as they made it look" episode. Don't get me wrong - I'm glad they didn't have a horrible breakup and I'm sure there are going to be some additional pratfalls this season, but as Lora mentioned in her blog, I'm guess we get to meet "Your Mother" this season.

But just when I was about to write off the episode for being somewhat predictable, came the last bit as the credits were going to run. Slap Countdown. Barney's look of utter horror nearly knocked me off the couch I was laughing so hard...

As premieres come out this week and next, it will be interesting to see what else sticks this week. I've got Bionic Woman, Private Practice and Cane as potential new shows to get into. We'll see what sticks.


Cupcake Blonde said...

I thought it was a great season opener! I liked the whole scene when Ted shaved his beard in parts. And Marshall trying to resist Robin's new BF was funny. But you are right, the end was the absolute best! However, doesn't the countdown defeat the purpose of being able to do a slap whenevr? Now he will know when it is coming.

LoraLoo said...

I do love the whole Ted shaving his beard in parts, and Barney trying to get him out of the house. And Marshall and Lily loving Robin's new boyfriend? When Marshall looked over that pillow at him with love I thought I was going to wet myself. LOL

Teri said...

I wanted to watch journeyman. I might even give Bionic Woman a chance, the previews are reminding me more of Dark Angel (minus Jessica Alba) than the original series.