Things that make me sad...
- My roommate's cat Aspen. When his kids moved to Colorado, Dave agreed to take their cat in. Aspen is a good cat. He's easy going and just wants a little attention. However, Dave hasn't been home much lately, and I think he's a little lonely. He's just mopes around the house on the days that Dave isn't around.
- The orphaned pets at PetSmart. Need I say more?
- The nights I spend without Amy
- Fighting with Amy over stupid things
- Seeing my Mom cry.
Things that make me happy
- Waking up with Amy in the morning
- Being able to wake up 10 minutes before my first conference call and stroll into the "office" and make it on time
- My cats - even when they knead my belly and leave clawmarks. Even my step-cat Aspen.
- Kissing Amy
- Knowing I'm going to be spending the rest of my life with Amy. Even when we do fight about stupid things.