Monday, November 14, 2005

Weekend Update

Well, another weekend is in the books. It was a pretty good weekend, with one really notable low point. This was the closest thing to a lazy weekend that we've had in a while. Friday was low-key, Saturday wasn't packed solid and neither was Sunday. We got to spend time with friends, see our house, tell our Pulte salesman that we got engaged, picked out our flooring for the new house and had some really good food. The best part was that I got to spend it with Amy.

The unfortunate piece came about on Saturday. I got a call from my roommate - who, by the way, is one of the nicest guys Amy or I have ever met - saying that his skanky stripper second ex-wife can't go back to her house until Monday. My assumption is that's code for either her utilities have been turned off again or she has neglected to pay her rent. He mentioned that he was going to watch her two girls until about 9 p.m. and then there was a pause. He asked if she could stay at the house. At this point, if I would have said no, I would have been a monster. So, against my better judgment I said yes. This woman has done quite a bit of evil things to Dave and other people in my life that I care about. I don't really want her in my house. In the end, she didn't end up staying over, which was good, but I didn't sleep very well on Saturday night when I thought we was coming by at any minute.

I feel really bad for her girls. The older girl is not a cute kid. I think she clearly knows that something isn't right, because she is sullen and not very talkative. The little girl is oblivious to what is going on. I have half a mind to call Child Protective Services next time I hear that their Mom has had utilities turned off or is on the verge of getting evicted. The kids need a stable environment while their Mom sorts out her life and gets herself back on track. While the foster system isn't necessarily the best place to be, it's got to be better than what's going on now.

Anyway, that's enough for now. I think I got it out of my system...


Kyria said...

*sad* It's too bad that it has to be that way. David really is SO nice. I've always said so.

Martin said...

Ouch. That's a tough situation. It probably did take a lot for him to ask that of you but it sounds like if he gave her the option, it was a last resort. It'd be nice to believe that CPS could and would help with the children but it's like flipping a coin with them.