Thursday, November 03, 2005

Is that it?

While I travel for work frequently, I'm still somewhat of a nervous flier. I figured today was going to be my biggest test - Orange County's John Wayne Airport. I've heard that they don't let rookie pilots fly in and out of there. I've heard the descent is practically straight down, and finally that upon take off, they kill then engines and you feel the plane drop until they re-fire them over the ocean.

Well let me tell you. My OC experience was very disappointing. The landing was relatively smooth. The take off was not that big of a deal. Yes. They revved the engines as we started our take off. Yes, you can hear them cutting back on the engines, but they are still going. And there is no substantial drop. You feel the plane level off until you are over the ocean, and then the engines are brought back up, and you go on your merry way. I felt robbed...

Also, had a variety of work-related issues once I got off the plane tonight. I was looking forward to dinner at home with Amy and maybe Tom, Shawn and/or Dave. However, tonight we also had Dave's second ex-wife's two kids. Not exactly my ideal for a stressful day as my adrenaline level drops off, but I'll make do. If only I could find a way to get Spongebob Squarepants off the TV downstairs...


LoraLoo said...

Glad you didn't have any white-knuckle experiences.

Ah... yes. Wanting to unwind after work only to find yourself faced with a child's needs. Granted when it's your own kids, it's a whole different show.

Darryll said...

Gotta love Spounge Bob and Square Pants.... :-)

Kyria said...

I'm going to side with you on principle. I hate her. Not the kids... the second ex-wife. Hiss.

Ken said...

Lora - I was thinking about your point as I was posting it. If they were my own children, I would have been very excited to see them. However, I didn't find out until I was on the ground in Vegas they were going to be at my house. Ugh.

Manka - Not sure really what to say.

Kyria - Almost called last night...they seem very nice, but I think it sucks that Leigha sticks Dave with this. But he does it willingly. You were right about Lindsey - not a cute kid.